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Chakra Balancing Series - 7 Weeks, Meeting Thursday's 5:30-6:45 PM, Starting September 5, 2024

  • Yoga and Massage 1620 Brevard Road Hendersonville, North Carolina, 28791 United States (map)

Module 1 -Thursday September 5, 5:30 - 6:45 PM

Root Chakra -Muladhara - Building a strong foundation. I have  

Mantra: I am here grounded and fully present in the moment.

We begin this series with an introduction to the chakras and a deep dive into the root chakra.

The root chakra is where your power for change and transformation begins. This is YOUR foundation. 

Where all things planted will begin to grow. Strengthening this chakra is ensured by factors that strengthen your grounding. We’ll move towards this path after our discussion, with breath work, a gentle restorative practice, and guided meditation.

Module 2 -Thursday September 12, 5:30 - 6:00 PM

Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana - Connecting to emotions, creativity, desire, and needs. I feel

Mantra: I honor myself, as I flow through life with ease and grace

The sacral chakra introduces movement. It’s your center for pleasure and emotions, for understanding your connection to others, while also awakening desires and needs that motivate you to change. Tapping into your awareness that knows how to move with the currents of life, and the choices that we face.

We’ll help balance the internal flow in an engaging mixture of lecture, movement, and guided meditation. This asana practice will mainly be a hip opening yin sequence. Helping you to let go of what no longer serves you, while empowering yogic wisdom that enables you to take hold and take charge.

Module 3 -Thursday September 19, 5:30 - 6:45 PM

Solar Plexus - Manipura - Claiming your personal power. I can. 

Mantra: I honor myself, as I stand in my power within.

Our energy rises up to the Solar Plexus through the stability of the first chakra and the desires and needs of the second chakra, to your place of personal power where we find the strength and courage to make positive changes. 

After our discussion we’ll tap into the fire within using pranayama, and a creative and slightly challenging sequence of Sun Salutations. Then moving into forward folds and twists with grace and ease, followed by a guided meditation that inspires inner power and purpose.

Module 4 -Thursday September 26, 5:30 - 6:45 PM

Heart Chakra - Anahata - Relationships and Balance. I love.

Mantra: I am Love, my heart is fully open to living. 

The heart chakra is the balancing point between the mind and body. From your focus on the self, your foundation, your desires, your strength within, you will expand to your knowingness and your connection to the whole. As you reach higher you open and grow.

The love felt here is a state of being, and when your heart is balanced, we are able to experience the flow and grace of life. After discussion, this loving, but strong and steady flowing vinyasa sequence, will end in a restorative heart-opening pose and guided meditation.

Module 5 -Thursday October 3, 5:30 - 6:45 PM

Throat Chakra - Vissuddha - Gateway to Consciousness. I speak.

Mantra - I speak my truth, knowing what to say and when and how to say it.

We are now moving into the upper three chakras dealing with the mind. The throat chakra is related to communication through self expression, sound, vibration, and creativity, and it is through this resonant rhythm of this chakra that the pattern carries on; such as, if you start your day in a peaceful state, then you will find your day more calm and centered. It’s this resonance that connects us to all things. 

Your breath is one of the most powerful tools to get rid of waste and purify energy, and you can help control your thoughts and energy by controlling the breath. If the breath is calm the mind is calm. And, as you become more proficient with asana and pranayama, you begin to gain more control of your thoughts and feelings. Towards these goals, after our discussion, our practice will be equal parts asana (poses), pranayama (breath work), and meditation.

Module 6, -Thursday, October 10, 5:30 - 6:45

Third Eye Chakra - Ajna - Awaking intuition an inner wisdom. I see. 

Mantra: I trust my intuition, I know my path is my truth.

Intuition is a skill that is available to everybody by using the energy cultivated through asana and pranayama, and directing that energy through the cultivation of one-pointed focus, we can begin to free ourselves from the incessant internal dialogue and twisted journey of thoughts, desires, feelings, conflicts and distractions which dissipate our energy. Once the mind is brought under control, we can use the methods of inquiry and self-reflection that will lead us to deeper understanding and contentment.

In this class devoted to the third eye, we’ll practice a balanced vinyasa sequence that will focus on stimulating the central nervous system and the brains pituitary and pineal glands. Then we'll ease into deep restorative poses, ending with a long guided meditation. Come help nurture self-confidence, drawing focus on the ways you can empower yourself, ultimately opening you to trust your inherent knowing, or inner seeing, as guidance for your life.

Module 7 -Thursday October 17, 5:30 - 6:45

Crown Chakra -  Sahasrara - Oneness. I know 

Mantra: I am one with the universe, I am one with the whole.

The crown chakra is our connection to divine intelligence and the source of manifesting. Here is where the seeds that we have planted have moved upward from the earth through, water, fire, air, sound, light, and then to source itself. These currents rise with awareness, and as you move back down with thoughts, deeds and actions you bring about that which you imagined. 

Meditation is key to developing this chakra with a clear mind and a knowing. With this in mind your yoga practice will be a sequence promoting deep relaxation, through gentle movements with the breath that cultivate the flow of inner essence and vitality. This short but soothing meditation in motion will lead into Yoga Nidra with a full chakra balancing meditation. Where you end your series clear, grounded, and empowered.

Earlier Event: December 31
New Years Eve - Midnight Meditation