The Silent Bit Podcast
/The Silent Bit Podcast is doing fantastic! We're celebrating that we're being listened to in eleven countries! YAY!!! A new episode goes LIVE every Tuesday at 8 am EST. I want to give a big shout out of gratitude to all the knowledgeable teachers who've been on the show, leading us deeper into the heart of yoga and blessing us with beautiful meditations.
You can listen to it where you listen to podcasts! - The Silent Bit Podcast = Check us out SUBSCRIBE and follow along!
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For the last few weeks, I've been leading us through the chakras. Next week our conversation and meditation will be on the crown chakra, and the following week we'll move back into the talks with teachers. I've already recorded some, and they are incredible! I can't wait to share them with you!
If you're a yoga teacher and have something you want to share with us on the podcast, or you're a follower that wants to share some, please contact me on form below :) The more we share out peace, love and good energy, the better the world around us becomes!
Just a thought! Love, Donna