2019 Yoga Teacher Trainings

Soon to be announced 2019 Yoga Teacher Training Dates

200hr Yoga Teacher Training - This is will be a hybrid training, on your own pace, ending with a must attend 8 day intensive. Details coming…

Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers - weekend retreat and education

Pranayama and Yoga Nidra

Diving Deeper into the Chakras

Restorative Yoga

Count Down to Retreat - 97

This week I'm heading to Bimini Bahamas, but what has me most excited is the retreat we have planed for September 10-14, 2018 in Carlsbad Californina! It's going to be Amazing, relaxing and at the same time transforming. 

What are you willing to do to have the life you want to live? Join us in Cali - You have the power!

Check it out at Azul Yoga RETREATS

Retreat Registration Closing Soon!

You know you want to feel the bliss and peace of being at the beach at sunrise. To hear the sounds of the waves caressing the shore. To breathe in the salt air. Taking time to nurture yourself, in yoga, meditation, and healthful living. We will not only be with the yang energy of the sun, but the yin energy of the full moon. Cultivating peace and clarity within for the coming year.

For more information contact Donna at  donna@azulyoga.com

Act now registration is closing soon!